Monday/Wednesday/Friday • 11:00 am - 12:00 pm

MAC 1105 College Algebra MWF 10:10 am - 11:00 am.
MAC 1105E College Algebra Online.
ISC 1058 Scientist Life Skills TTh 2:00 pm - 3:15 pm.

II am a mathematics instructor at Florida A&M University. I am originally from the
Island of Saint Lucia. My interests lie at the intersection of mathematics education
and technology. My goal is to use technology to close the education gap that minorities

- Ph.D. in Education: Instruction and Curriculum – Mathematics Education • 2021
Florida State University
- M.S. in Financial Mathematics • 2007
Florida State University
- B.A. in Mathematics • 2005
Florida State University
- B.A. in Actuarial Science • 2005
Florida State University

- Instructor 2014 - Present
Florida A&M University, Tallahassee, FL
- Teaching Assistant 2009 - 2015
Tallahassee Community College, Tallahassee, FL

- Outcomes from teaching African American students through a “How to study” workshop
in an introductory university mathematics course.
Selected Talks
- Four Key Changes to College Algebra. Florida A&M University, June 2018.
- Studying for the Internet Age. Florida A&M University, May 2021.

- MAC 2233 Business Calculus
- MAC 1114 Trigonometry
- MAC 1105 College Algebra
- MAC 1105E College Algebra Online
- STA 2023 Introduction to Statistics
- MGF 1106 Liberal Arts 1
- MGF 1107Liberal Arts 2
- ISC 1058 Scientist Life Skills

- Website
- https://erdellmfx2.wixsite.com/erdellmaurice
I am the advisor to the ANIME club, the Carribean Students Association, and the Kemetic
Mathematical Society.