Faculty Senate

The Faculty Senate considers, legislates, and advises on all matters of general University interest.

Woman speaking from crowd at senate meeting
The Faculty Senate

The Faculty Senate is the highest legislative body within the University, and advises the President on academic matters and other concerns affecting more than one school or college. The Faculty Senate considers, legislates, and advises on all matters of general University interest.

The Faculty Senate is the supreme legislative body on internal policy and other matters within the University and is the principal advisory body to the President on all matters external to the University per se.

(Adapted from the Constitution of the Florida Agricultural and Mechanical University, 1989)

Faculty Senators are elected annually for two-year staggered terms in March of each year by the faculty of each college or school (including the Environmental Sciences Institute).  New Senators take office at the initial fall meeting of the Faculty Senate.  In addition, various members of the University administration may be ex-officio members, and the Student Government Associate elects two student members. The Faculty Senate elects its officers, sets its own rules of procedure, and establishes committees to perform Senate functions. 

Faculty Senators


Woman holding senate meeting 2024-2025

Members of University administration may be ex-officio members, and the Student Government Association elects two student members. The Faculty Senate elects its officers and establishes committees.

Faculty Senate Photo Gallery