An archive of documented records of important decisions compiled to ensure a clear, transparent, and organized process.
Instructions on how to submit these forms can be found at the bottom of each document.
As we begin the 2023-2024 academic school year, we cannot help but reflect on the tremendous work SGA has done for the student body. We have focused on endeavors that are student-centered to ensure an incomparable student experience. Completed applications should be emailed to If you have any questions please contact the SGA President Londe Mondelus via email at Thank you!
Judicial Branch Open Positions AVAILABLE NOW!
Judicial Branch Employment Application 2023-2024
Klarissa Appiah | 2023-2024 - SGA Chief Justice
Executive Branch Employment Application
2023 Homecoming Student Steering Committee Application
Londe Mondelus | 2023-2024 SGA President
Jefferey Francis | 2023-2024 SGA Vice President
Student Government Association | Executive Branch
Memorandum 01 05.29.20
Memorandum 02 06.10.20
Executive Order 001 06.11.20
August Agenda & Minutes
September Agenda & Minutes
October Agenda & Minutes
November Agenda & Minutes
December Agenda & Minutes
January Agenda & Minutes
February Agenda & Minutes
March Agenda & Minutes
April Agenda & Minutes
May Agenda & Minutes
June Agenda & Minutes