SBI North Wing Room #105
Monday • 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Tuesday • 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Wednesday • 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Thursday • 8:00 a.m.. - 5:00 p.m.
Friday • 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.

MAN 5606 - WORLD CULTURES • Wed 5:30PM - 8:00PM

Shawnta Friday-Stroud, Ph.D., is the Vice President for University Advancement/ Executive
Director of the Florida Agricultural and Mechanical University (FAMU) Foundation,
Inc. and Dean and Professor of Management in the School of Business and Industry at
FAMU. She is a former McKnight Doctoral Fellow and a former McKnight Junior Faculty
Development Fellow. Dr. Friday-Stroud received her Ph.D. in Business Administration
with a concentration in Management from Florida International University in Miami,
FL, and her B.S. and MBA from Florida A&M University. She has been recognized in “Who’s
Who Among America’s Teachers” several times. Dr. Friday-Stroud has also taught at
Florida International University and Florida Memorial University. Dr. Friday-Stroud
has taught Organization Theory, Organizational Behavior, Negotiations, Strategic Management,
and other management-related courses at the graduate and undergraduate levels. Her
research interests include issues pertaining to mentoring, intergroup relations, and
other organizational behavior topics. She was featured Black Issues in Higher Education (now Diverse: Issues in Higher Education) as a “Standout Scholar.”
Dr. Friday-Stroud has 60 publications and presentations, and 30 years of consulting
experience in the areas of strategic planning, leadership training, course development
and training, employee attitudinal assessments, workload analysis, strategic market
assessment, team building, computer training, conflict resolution and management,
employee-management relations liaison, standards of performance, mentoring strategy
formulation, implementation, and evaluation, formulating departmental vision and mission
statements, and program evaluation. She has provided consulting services for organizations
such as the National Bar Association, Frenchtown Credit Union, General Mills, Eli
Lilly and Company, Ford Motor Company, Mentor Exchange, Inc., The Houston Chronicle,
New Orleans Parish School District, Miami Police Department, United States Tennis
Association, Dade County (FL) Beacon Council, and Florida Memorial College to name
a few. Dr. Friday-Stroud serves on the Greater Tallahassee Chamber of Commerce Board,
the Leon County Research and Development Authority Board of Governors, and the Knight
Creative Communities Institute (KCCI) Advisory Board. Dr. Friday-Stroud is a consumer
member of the Florida Board of Respiratory Care.

- Organizational Behavior
- Intergroup relations
- Salesforce Management
- Mentoring/Sponsorship

- Business Administration, PhD • 1997
Florida International University
- Business Administration, PhD • 1990
Florida A&M University
- Business Administration, BS • 1989
Florida A&M University

- Vice President, University Advancement/Executive Director, FAMU Foundation, Inc. 2018 - Present
Florida A&M University
- Dean 2010 - Present
Florida A&M University
- Professor 2005 - Present
Florida A&M University
- Associate Professor 2001 - 2005
Florida A&M University
- Assistant Professor 1997-2001
Florida A&M University

Refereed Journal Articles
- Stroud, O., Friday-Stroud, S., Farmer, E., Cooper, L. (Accepted 2023, forthcoming Fall 2023). An Analysis of the
Legal and Managerial Implications of Telemedicine on the Haves and Have Nots Before
and During the COVID-19 Pandemic. Journal of the National Society of Allied Health.
- Washington, J., Friday-Stroud, S., Stroud, O. (Accepted 2021, forthcoming). Florida’s Attempt to Right a Wrong: New
Heirs Property Legislation. Meek-Eaton Research Center for Social and Political Justice Journal: The Bulletin.
- Friday-Stroud, S., Bailey, K., Stroud, O., & Davis, B. (2020). Ethnic and Racial Differences in the Facility Management Profession: A Planned Change
Strategic Framework for Diversity and Inclusion, Meek-Eaton Research Center for Social and Political Justice Journal: The Bulletin - Facilities Management Special
Edition, 1, 2, 52-58.
- Friday-Stroud, S., Bailey, K., & Jackson, J. (2020). Using Visualization Technology to Communicate a FM Issue to Non-FM Professionals,
Meek-Eaton Research Center for Social and Political Justice Journal: The Bulletin
- Facilities Management Special Edition, 1, 2, 77-84.
- Hightower Jr., R., Collins, J., Jackson, A., Bailey, K., Jackson Jr., E., & Friday-Stroud, S. (2015). Commentary: Facility Management Accreditation Commission (FMAC) Outcomes,
Mapping, Assessment at the Program and Course Levels. International Journal of Facility Management, 6(1).
- Sutterfield, J.S., Hightower, R., Friday-Stroud, S., Kirk, S. (2013). SHKF Paper Company: An Analysis in Strategic Planning Cost Optimization.
Business Studies Journal, 5,2, 102-123.
- Collins, J., Tidwell-Lewis, A., Friday-Stroud, S.S. (2011). Assessing Student Critical Thinking using Structured vs. Unstructured Case
Analysis. Journal of Business, Industry, and Economics, 16, 17-30.
- Collins, J., Friday-Stroud, S., Ashley, C. (2010). A Systems Approach to Creating and Sustaining an Assessment Culture.
International Journal of Education Research, 5, 2, 152-167.
- Hill, A., & Friday-Stroud, S. (2009). Information Fatigue: The Case of Activity-based Information (ABI) in Decision-making.
Journal of Technology Research, 1, 1-9.
- Campbell, A.M., Harper, V.J., & Friday-Stroud, S.S. (2008). Business Students’ Listening Skills: Do They Sense More, Process More, or
Respond More? International Journal of Education Research, 3, 2, 112-119.
- Friday-Stroud, S., & Sutterfield, J.S. (2007). A Conceptual Framework for Integrating Six Sigma and
Strategic Management Methodologies to Quantify Decision-Making. The TQM Magazine, 19, 6, 561-571.
- Sutterfield, J.S., Friday-Stroud, S.S., Shivers-Blackwell, S.L. (2007) How not to manage a project: Six lessons learned
from the DOD LAMP-H Project. Journal of Behavioral and Applied Management, 8, 3, 218-238.
- Sutterfield, J.S., Friday-Stroud, S.S., Shivers-Blackwell, S.L. (2006). A case study of project and stakeholder management
failures: Lessons Learned. Project Management Journal, 37, 5, 26-35.
- Friday, E., Friday, S.S., Green, A.L., Hill, A.Y. (2006). A Multi-Semester Comparison of Student Performance
between Multiple Traditional and Online Sections of Two Management Courses. Journal of Behavioral and Applied Management, 8, 1, 66-81.
- Green, A.L., Hill, A.Y., Friday, E., & Friday, S.S. (2005). The use of multiple intelligences to enhance team productivity. Management Decision, 43, 4, 349-359.
- Friday, E., & Friday, S.S., Green, A.L. (2004). A reconceptualization of mentoring and sponsoring. Management Decision, 42, 5, 628-644.
- Friday, S.S., Friday, E., Moss, S.E. (2004). Multiple Dimensions of Racioethnicity: Physioethnicity,
Socioethnicity, and Psychoethnicity. Journal of Management Development, 23, 6, 500-517.
- Friday, S.S., Moss, S.E., Friday, E. (2004). Socioethnic Explanations for Racioethnic Differences
in Job Satisfaction. Journal of Management Development, 23, 2, 152-168.
- Friday, E., & Friday, S.S. (2003). Managing Diversity using a Strategic Planned Change Approach. Journal of Management Development, 22, 10, 863-880.
- Friday, S.S., & Friday, E. (2003). A Comparison of Racioethnically Diverse Employees’ Perceptions
of Their Job’s Characteristics and Job Satisfaction. Journal of Management Development, 22, 5, 426-442.
- Friday, E., & Friday, S.S. (2002). “Formal Mentoring: Is There a Strategic Fit?” Management Decision, 40, 2, 152-157.
- Zalka, L., Downes, M., Friday, S.S., Perry, S.R., Paul, K., Abratt, R., and Curwen, P. (1998). "Business Legitimacy Among
Business Students in the United States, Great Britain, and South Africa." International Journal of Value-Based Management, 11, 179-195.
- Paul, K., Zalka, L., Downes, M., Perry, S.R., Friday, S.S. (1997). "Consumer Sensitivity to Corporate Social Performance: Development of a
Scale." Business and Society, 36, 4, 408-418.
Journal Articles
- Williams. T. & Friday-Stroud, S. (2005). Minority Students’ Perceptions of Male and Female Managers. McNair Journal.
- Marsh, J. & Friday, S.S. (2003). Relationship between Listening Skills and Performance in an Undergraduate
Accounting Course. McNair Journal.
Book Chapter – Refereed
- Green, A.L., Friday-Stroud, S.S., & Bertrand, T.C. (2007). The Many Faces of Mentoring in Higher Education: Three Personal
Perspectives in The Transformation of Women Scholars in Higher Education: The Struggles and Strategies
for Success. (Vol. 2).
Textbooks (Traditional) – used in 7 courses at 3 major universities
- Friday, S.S. (2004). Take A.C.T.I.O.N.®: A Practical Guide to Strategically Manage and Align Your
Professional and Personal Lives. – S.S. Friday Consulting.
- Friday, S.S. (2004). Cultivate Your S.P.I.R.I.T.®: A Practical Guide to Strategically Manage and
Achieve Your Life Goals - S.S. Friday Consulting.
Textbook (Traditional) - Instructor’s Manual
- Friday, S.S. (2002). Human Resources Management, 9th edition. Dessler, G. – Prentice Hall.
- Friday, S.S. (2001). Essentials of Management, 2nd Dessler, G. – Prentice Hall.
- Friday, E., & Friday, S.S. (2001). Management: Leading People and Organizations in the 21st Century, 2nd Dessler, G. – Prentice Hall.
Book Review - Refereed
- Friday, S.S. (2000). The Knowing Doing Gap: How Smart Companies Turn Knowledge into Action by Jeffrey Pfeffer and Robert I. Sutton, Organizational Dynamics, 29, 1, 76-77.
Conference Proceedings & Presentations
- Stroud, Jr., O. & Friday-Stroud, S. (2021). The Intersection of Economic and Health Impacts of COVID-19 on African Americans. National Association of African American Studies Conference, February 14-19, 2022.
- Collins, J., & Friday-Stroud, S. (2019). Be Yourself or Not” Helping Students Navigate the Murky Personal Social Media Waters. ACBSP Region 3 Fall Conference, Pigeon Forge, TN, November 2019.
- Stroud, Jr., O. & Friday-Stroud, S. (2019). Are Marijuana-Related Arrests and Convictions Increasing in Florida with the Rise
of the Medical Marijuana Industry? Society of Business, Industry, and Economics, Sandestin, FL, April 2019.
- Collins, J., Friday-Stroud, S., Hightower, R., James, M., Miles, A., Nelson, M., and Sledge, S. (2018). Engaging Students Through Writing Across the Curriculum Best Practices, Southern Management Association Conference, Lexington, KY, November 6-10, 2018.
- Friday-Stroud, S. (2018). The Urgency of Financial Wellness in the African American Community. National Association of African American Studies Conference, Dallas, TX, February 2018.
- Friday-Stroud, S. (2017). Business Living-Learning Communities: A Student Success Best Practice. Accreditation Council for Business Schools and Programs Region Three Annual Conference, Wrightsville, NC. Best Presentation Award
- Friday-Stroud, S., & Collins, J. (2017). Racioethnic Labeling: Is it Given or is it a Choice? National Association of African American Studies Conference, Tallahassee, FL.
- Murphy, A., Friday-Stroud, S., Rosier, K., & Collins J. (2016). A Framework for Student Career Success: Using Innovative
Financial Education Strategies to Promote Career Success. Accreditation Council for Business Schools and Programs Region Three Annual Conference, Montgomery, AL.
- Hightower, R., Friday-Stroud, S., & Collins, J. (2015) “Corporate Analysis: Assessing A Business Capstone Course with FMAC Learning Competencies,” IFMA World Workplace Conference, Denver, CO, October 7-9, 2015.
- Collins, J., Friday-Stroud, S., Rosier, K. (2014). Flip the Script…and the Classroom through Digital and Active
Pedagogy. Accreditation Council for Business Schools and Programs Annual Conference, Chicago, IL.
- Collins, J., Friday-Stroud, S., Golden, P., James, M., Sermon, J. (2013). Flipping the Management Classroom. Southern Management Association, New Orleans, LA.
- Collins, J., Friday-Stroud, S., Rosier, K. (2013). Flipping the Script and the Classroom. Accreditation Council for Business Schools and Programs Region Three Annual Meeting, Tunica, MS. Best Paper Award
- Collins, J., Friday-Stroud, S., James, M., & Bradford, A. (2013). Flipping the Management Classroom Upside Down.
Society of Business, Industry, and Economics, Sandestin, FL, April 2013
- Collins, J. & Friday-Stroud, S. (2012). Adoption of Mandated Electronic Healthcare Records Systems and Its Impact
on Independent African American Medical Practitioners. Management Faculty of Color Association Annual Conference, Murfreesboro, TN.
- Friday-Stroud, S. & Collins, J. (2011). Capitalizing on Changes in the Healthcare Services Delivery
Industry. National Medical Association – Cobb Institute, Tallahassee, FL.
- Hill, A. Y., & Friday-Stroud, S.S. (2010). The Formation Dynamics and Consequences of Mentorships and Sponsorships:
The Impact on African Americans’ Career Advancement in Public Accounting Firms. International Academy of Business and Public Administration Disciplines, Orlando, FL.
- Collins, J., Friday-Stroud, S.S., & Ashley, A.C. (2010). A Systems Approach to Creating and Sustaining an Assessment
Culture. International Academy of Business and Public Administration Disciplines, Orlando, FL.
- Collins, J., Harper, V.J., Friday-Stroud, S.S. (2010). Dress for Success: Understanding the Relationship Among Student Attire,
Interviewer Unconscious Bias and the Selection Process and Organizational Hiring Decisions. International Academy of Business and Public Administration Disciplines, Orlando, FL.
- Bradford, A., Friday-Stroud, S.S., Collins, J. (2009). Moving from a Culture of Teaching to a Culture of Learning. Florida A&M University Research Summit, Tallahassee, FL.
- Collins, J., & Friday-Stroud, S.S. (2009). A Stakeholder Perspective for Management Education: How do we meet student,
faculty, accreditation agency, and employer expectations? International Academy of Business and Public Administration Disciplines, Orlando, FL. [published in proceedings].
- Campbell, A., Harper, V., & Friday-Stroud, S.S. (2008). An Examination of Business Students’ Listening (Sensing, Processing, Responding)
Skills. International Academy of Business and Public Administration Disciplines, Orlando, FL. [published in proceedings].
- Parent, J., & Friday-Stroud, S.S. (2006). Students’ Perceptions of Wives as Senior Financial Partners in Marriages.
Management Faculty of Color Association, Tallahassee, FL.
- Suarez, T., Hill, A.Y., & Friday-Stroud, S.S. (2006). Students’ Perceptions of Access Grid Technology as a Synchronous Distance
Learning Tool. Management Faculty of Color Association, Tallahassee, FL.
- Hightower, R., Green, A., & Friday-Stroud, S.S. (2006). Macro & micro theoretical rationales for strategically aligning diverse
seller-buyer relationships. International Academy of Business Disciplines, San Diego, CA.
- T. & Friday-Stroud, S. S. (2005). Minority Students’ Perceptions of Male and Female Managers. SAEOPP/UTK McNair National Scholars Research Conference, Knoxville, TN.
- Friday-Stroud, S. S. (2005). Using the “Perfect Apprentice” to Assess Students’ Movement through the Six
Levels of Bloom’s Cognitive Domain
- . Management Faculty of Color Association National Conference, Houston, TX.
- Friday, S. S. (April 2005). Toward the Development of an Individualized Strategic Plan. SAM International Conference, Las Vegas, NV.
- Friday, E., Friday, S. S., & Green, A.L. (April 2005). Diverse Mentorships Examined Through the Lenses of Social
Identity, Similarity-Attraction, & Attribution Theory. SAM International Conference, Las Vegas, NV.
- Hill, A., Green, A.L., Friday, E., & Friday, S. S. (February 2005). Information Fatigue: The Use of Activity-Based Information (ABI)
in Decision-Making. American Society of Business and Behavioral Sciences, Las Vegas, NV.
- Friday, E. Friday, S. S., Hightower, Jr. R. (November 2003). A Conceptual Investigation of the Impact of Social
Identity, Distinctiveness, Similarity-Attraction, and Attribution in an Increasingly
Diverse Workforce. Academy of Business Disciplines Conference, Fort Myers, FL.
- Friday, E., Hightower, Jr., R., Friday, S. S. (April 2003). Strategic Human Resources Management (SHRM): A Theoretical Explanation
for Diversifying the Sales Force. SAM International Conference, Orlando, FL. [published in the proceedings]
- Green, A., Friday, E., Friday, S. S. (February 2003). The Use of Multiple Intelligences in Team Formation. American Society of Business and Behavioral Sciences, Las Vegas, NV. [published in the proceedings]
- Hill, A., Friday, E., Friday, S. S. (February 2003). Listening Skills and Performance in an Undergraduate Accounting
Course. American Society of Business and Behavioral Sciences, Las Vegas, NV.
- Friday, E., Friday, S. S., Green, A.L., & Hill, A.Y. (2002). The Use of Internet Classes: Two Sides to the Argument.
Academy of Business Administration National Conference, Key West, FL.
- Friday, S. S., & Friday, E. (2001). A Comparison of Racioethnically Diverse Employees’ Perceptions
of Their Job Characteristics and Job Satisfaction. Institute of Behavioral and Applied Management Conference, Charleston, SC. – Best Paper Award
- Green, A.L., Friday, E., & Friday, S. S. (2001). A Comparison of Perceived Effectiveness between Diverse Intelligences and
Self-Selected Teams. Institute of Behavior and Applied Management Conference, Charleston, SC. [published in proceedings]
- Friday, E., & Friday, S. S. (2000). Web-Based Courses in Business School Curricula: A Test of Their Effectiveness.
SAM International Management Conference, Augustine, FL.
- Friday, S. S., & Friday, E. (1999). Racioethnic Labeling: An Organizational Dilemma. SAM International Management Conference, Las Vegas, Nevada.
- Friday, S. S., Hightower, R., & Friday, E. (1998). The Emergent Racioethnically Diverse Salesforce:
It’s Existence and Challenges. Academy of Marketing Science - Multicultural Marketing Conference. Montreal, Canada.
- Friday, S. S., Zalka, L., Downes, M., Perry, S.R., & Paul, K. (1998). Racioethnic Difference in Consumer
Decision-Making Styles. Academy of Marketing Science- Multicultural Marketing Conference. Montreal, Canada.
- Friday, S. S., & Moss, S.E. (August 1998). Orthogonal Cultural Identification Theory and Self-Categorization
Theory: Understanding the Multiple Dimensions of Racioethnicity.” Academy of Management, San Diego, CA.
- Friday, S. S., Moss, S.E., Kroeck, K.G., & Sanchez, J.I. (November 1997). Beyond Black and White:
Socioethnic Explanations for Racial Differences in Job Satisfaction. Southern Management Association. Atlanta, GA.

- FAMU Center for Disability Access and Resources (CeDAR) Partnership Award - October
- Best Presentation Award - ACBSP Region 3 - 2017
- Best Presentation Award - ACBSP Region 3 - 2013
- Outstanding Community Women Award by Tallahassee Community College - 2008 Florida
Education Fund's William R. Jones Outstanding Mentor Award - 2005
- White & Gold Honor Society - Honorary Induction 2003
- FAMU Rising Star Award - 2003
- Black Issues in Higher Education - Standout Scholar 2003 Who's Who Among America's
Teachers 2002
- McKnight Junior Faculty Development Fellowship 2001-2002 (Paid leave, $15,000 to SBI)
Who's Who Among America's Teachers 2000
- Certificate of Appreciation, Student Excel Commission