Lewis-Beck Building Room #316
Tuesday/Thursday • 10:30 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Monday/Wednesday/Friday • By appointment

HSA 4383 Quality Improvement in Health Services Organizations Tu. Th. - 2:00 p.m.
- 3:15 p.m.
HSA 5926 Executive Seminar in Health and Business Communications Wed. - 5:30 p.m.
- 8:30 p.m.
Odell Stroud, Jr., a licensed attorney in the State of Florida, serves as the Director
of the Division of Healthcare Management and as an Assistant Professor of Health Law
in the School of Allied Health Sciences at Florida Agricultural and Mechanical University
(FAMU). Attorney Stroud received a Bachelor of Science degree in Business Administration
from the School of Business and Industry at Florida A&M University and a Juris Doctorate
from the College of Law at Florida A&M University. In addition to teaching health
law courses, Attorney Stroud teaches quality improvement in health services organizations
and executive seminar in health and business communications. He has taught criminal
law, American courts, and other legal courses at FAMU. Prior to joining the faculty
at FAMU, Attorney Stroud litigated personal injury, criminal, and traffic cases.
He has published research in the areas of racial inequities and diversity and inclusion.
His research interests are in the areas of medical marijuana, health disparities,
and criminal law inequities/disparities. He is a member of a research team that has
received funding for Medical Marijuana research.

- Legal and cultural disparities
- Football
- Cooking

- Florida A&M University • 2008
J.D., in Law
- Florida A&M University • 2004
B.S., in Business Administration

- Assistant Professor/Director • Nov. 2022 - Present
Florida A&M University, Tallahassee, FL
- Assistant Professor/Interim Director • Feb. 2022 - Nov. 2022
Florida A&M University, Tallahassee, FL
- Assistant Professor • 2018 - present
Florida A&M University, Tallahassee, FL
- Visiting Professor • 2017 - 2018
Florida A&M University, Tallahassee, FL
- Associate Attorney • 2014 - 2017
Gary A. Roberts & Associates, Tallahassee, FL
- Adjunct Professor • 2014 - 2014
Florida A&M University, Tallahassee, FL
- Associate Attorney • 2010 - 2014
Henry C. Hunter & Associates, Tallahassee, FL

PEER REVIEWED Publications
- Stroud, Jr., O., Friday-Stroud, S., Farmer, E., Cooper, L., (forthcoming Fall 2023).
An Analysis of the Legal and Managerial Implications of Telemedicine on the Haves
and Have Nots Before and During the COVID-19 Pandemic. The Journal of the National
Society of Allied Health.
- Cooper, L., Weaver, J., Crowther, V., Lewis, M., Stroud, Jr., O., West, M. (2022).
“Exploring Medical Marijuana Knowledge and Perceptions Among a Community-Based Sample.”
Florida Public Health Review: Vol. 20. [Funded Research]
- Washington, J., Friday-Stroud, S., Stroud, Jr., O. (2021). “Florida’s Attempt to Right
a Wrong: New Heirs’ Property Legislation.” Meek-Eaton Center for Social and Political
Change Journal: The Bulletin. [Non-funded Research]
- Washington, J., Tidwell, A., Stroud, Jr., O. (2021). “Heirs’ Property: Lack of Clear
Title Erodes Private Rights and Leads to Loss of Families’ Economic Wealth.” Meek-Eaton
Center for Social and Political Change Journal: The Bulletin. [Non-funded Research]
- Friday-Stroud, S., Bolden Bailey, K., Stroud, Jr., O., Davis, B. (2020). “Ethnic and
Racial Differences in the Facility Management Profession: A Planned Change Strategic
Framework for Diversity and Inclusion.” Journal for Social and Political Change: The
Bulletin - Special Edition Issue on Facility Management, 1, 2, 52-58. [Non-funded
- Stroud, Jr., O., Parker, K., & Nwagbuo, J., Welch-Johnson, P., & Fedd, K. (2018).
“Disproportionate Impact of Drug and Law Enforcement Laws in African American Communities.”
National Association of African American Studies and Affiliates National Monograph.
[Non-funded Research]
Works in Progress
- Moton, B., Bryant, J., Stroud, Jr., O., Moreno, Alex, (Under Review 2023). Project
Future Leaders of the World (FLOW): A Qualitative Evaluation of a Pilot Peer-Education
Training Program Among a Cohort of College Students. The Journal of the National Society
of Allied Health.
- Stroud, Jr., O. State v. Snyder and Snyder v. Louisiana: An Analysis of the Equal
Protection Clause of the Peremptory Challenge by the United States Supreme Court in
a Death Penalty Case
- Stroud, Jr., O. No-Knock Search Warrants: What are the Costs?
Peer-Reviewed Presentations
- Stroud, Jr., O. & Friday-Stroud, S. (Accepted January 2022). The Emergence of Telemedicine:
Does it Widen the Gap between the Have and Have Not? National Society of Allied Health
Annual Conference and Meeting, March 10 -12, 2022. [Non-funded Research]
- Stroud, Jr., O. & Friday-Stroud, S. (Accepted December 2021). The Intersection of
Economic and Health Impacts of COVID-19 on African Americans. National Association
of African American Studies Conference, February 14-19, 2022. [Non-funded Research]
- Stroud, Jr., O., & Friday-Stroud, S. (Accepted April 2019). “Are Marijuana-Related
Arrests and Convictions Increasing in Florida with the Rise of the Medical Marijuana
Industry?” 21st Annual Society of Business, Industry, and Economics Conference, Destin,
FL. April 10-12, 2019. [Non-funded Research]
- Stroud, Jr., O. (Accepted November 2017). No-Knock Search Warrants: What are the Costs?
26th Annual National Association of African American Studies and Affiliates National
Conference, Dallas, TX. February 12-17, 2018. [Non-funded Research]
- Stroud, Jr., O. (Accepted November 2017). “Snyder and Snyder v. Louisiana: An Analysis
of the Equal Protection Clause of the Peremptory Challenge by the United States Supreme
Court in a Death Penalty Case,” 26th Annual National Association of African American
Studies and Affiliates National Conference, Dallas, TX. February 12-17, 2018. [Non-funded
- Stroud, Jr., O., Parker, K., & Nwagbuo, J. (Accepted November 2017). “Disproportionate
Impact of Drug and Law Enforcement Laws in African American Communities.” 26th Annual
National Association of African American Studies and Affiliates National Conference,
Dallas, TX. February 12-17, 2018. [Non-funded Research]

- Title: Advocate Health Care/FAMU Partnership (2023 – present)
Role: Primary Negotiator
Funding Source: Advocate Health Care
Amount Gifted: $40,000/year
- Title: Improving Graduate Programs in Health Sciences (2022 – present)
Role: Activity Director
Funding Source: Title III
Amount Awarded: $268,593/year
- Title: Gift Agreement Between FAMU Board of Trustees, HCA Management Services, and
School of Allied Health Sciences (SOAHS) (2022 – present)
Role: Funding Administrator
Funding Source: HCA Management Services
Amount Gifted: $1,500,000
- Title: Medical Marijuana Education and Research Initiative “Assessing the Knowledge
and Perceptions of Community Members Specific to the Compassionate Use of Marijuana,”
Role: Co-Investigator
Funding Source: The FAMU Marijuana Education and Research Initiative
Amount Awarded: $10,000

- HSA 6930 Advanced Topics in Health Care Management
- HSA 4922 Capstone: Health Care Management
- CCJ 4031 Cases in Corrections
- CCJ 4360 Contemporary Issues of Corrections
- HSA 5926 Executive Seminar in Health and Business Communications
- CCJ 4947 Field Experience Criminal Justice
- HSC 3640 Health Law
- HIM 3016 Legal Aspects of Health Information
- POS 4696 Legal Problems of the Poor
- POS 3684 Nature and Functions of the American Legal System
- HSA 4383 Quality Improvement in Health Services Organization