
Hands of the presenter standing in front of an audience of young students at seminar while explaining information.

In the Victim Advocate Program, we are dedicated to raising awareness and fostering a safer campus environment. Our team offers engaging presentations on a variety of crucial topics, including but not limited to:

  • Consent

  • Bystander Intervention

  • Supporting Survivors

  • Healthy Relationships

  • Relationship Violence

  • Stalking

  • Sexual Violence

Bystander Intervention: In today's world, the responsibility to ensure collective safety falls on each and every one of us. Explore these valuable insights and tips offered to empower you as a responsible bystander.

  • When you're out with friends, it's essential to maintain a sense of unity and security. Stay connected throughout the event and even after leaving.

    Vigilance is your ally; trust your instincts, for if something doesn't feel right, it likely isn't.
  • Group of female friends laughing and walking together outdoors in the city.

Remember The Three "D's" Of Being A Good Bystander!: By familiarizing yourself with the "Direct, Delegate, and Distract" approaches, you can become a valuable asset in creating a safer and more supportive campus environment for all.

  • 1. Direct Intervention

    Icon depicting a Person Intervening in Conflict Between Two Arguing People by Standing Between Them
    Taking Immediate Action

    Direct intervention involves stepping into a situation by addressing the people involved head-on, often requiring assertiveness and quick thinking to to achieve a positive outcome.

    You can take direct action with confidence by doing actions, such as:

    » Asking if someone is okay: Approach individuals who appear distressed or in need of help and offer assistance.

    » Escorting an intoxicated friend: If a friend has had too much to drink, ensure their safety by guiding them out of a party or social event.

    » Challenging offensive behavior: Politely but firmly address offensive jokes or comments made by someone to promote a respectful environment.

    » Intervening in conflicts: Step in to mediate or defuse arguments or confrontations between others to prevent escalation.

    » Preventing bullying: Speak up when you witness bullying or harassment and offer support to the victim.

    » Standing against discrimination: Actively oppose discriminatory behavior or actions when you encounter them.
  • 2. Delegate Intervention

    Icon depicting a Person Attracting the Attention of a Police Officer or Authority Figure
    Seeking Support

    Delegate intervention is a smart approach when you feel unsafe, uncomfortable, or ill-equipped to intervene personally. You can seek assistance from someone better suited for the situation

    You can effectively enlist assistance through various means, such as:

    Involving campus security: If you witness aggressive or dangerous behavior, call campus security to remove someone who is being aggressive and handle the situation professionally.

    » Seeking assistance from Resident Assistants (RAs): If you're concerned about a roommate's well-being or relationship, inform your Resident Advisor, who can provide appropriate guidance and support.

    » Engaging a closer friend: When you're not in the best position to assist someone, enlist a friend who has a closer relationship with them to check in on their welfare.

    » Utilizing campus resources: Direct individuals in need to campus counseling services, health centers, or other relevant support structures.

    Counseling Services
    Student Health Services

    » Reporting safety concerns: If you notice unsafe conditions or potential hazards on campus, report them to campus authorities or facilities management.

    Title IX
    Department of Campus Safety & Security (FAMU PD)
  • 3. Distract Intervention

    Icon depicting a person Engaging in a Distracting Action, Capturing the Attention of Another Person Who Appears Confused
    Diversion Strategies

    Distracting involves using clever tactics to create interventions, redirecting attention away from a potentially problematic situation, and ultimately helping to de-escalate it.

    You can utilize creative methods to intervene effectively, including:

    » Engaging in friendly conversation: Strike up a conversation with someone who seems uncomfortable, diverting their focus from a distressing person or situation.

    » Creating a diversion: Spill a harmless substance, like water, near individuals involved in an argument to distract and defuse tension.

    » Pretending to know someone: If you see someone who appears to be feeling uncomfortable around another person or situation, approach them and pretend to know them, giving them an opportunity to gracefully exit the situation.

    » Offering assistance: Approach someone who appears uncomfortable and ask if they can help you with a task, like finding your keys or a lost item.

    » Using humor: Employ humor to lighten the mood and ease tension in awkward or uncomfortable situations.

Upcoming Events

First-Year Students

A required seminar covering Title IX, bystander intervention, and campus resources will be held early in the Fall 2021 semester. If you are a student survivor concerned about attending this training, please contact the victim advocate to discuss options.

October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month

More details will be coming soon!