Florida Civic Literacy Requirement

This is a test based on the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services Naturalization Test with supplemental questions. Every state university system institution will use the same test, compiled by the Florida Board of Governors.

Florida Civic Literacy Requirement
As stated in Florida statute (1007.25), every first-time in college (FTC) student initially entering a Florida College System institution or state university in 2018-2019 and thereafter must demonstrate competency in civic literacy. The legislation defined the following as competencies in civic literacy:

  • Understanding of the basic principles of "American Democracy" and how they are applied in our Republican "form" of Government;
  • Understanding of the U.S. Constitution on American soil;
  • Knowledge of the founding documents and how they have shaped the nature and functions of our institutions of self-governance; and
  • Understanding of landmark Supreme Court cases and their impact on the legal system, law, and society.

The Florida Board of Governors
(BOG) Regulation 8.006, passed in March 2018, established a broad guideline for institutions to comply with the legislation.

Register For The Exam


As outlined in BOG Regulation 8.006, students can demonstrate their competency in U.S. civic literacy in the following ways: 

  • The Civics Literacy Exam is a test based on the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services Naturalization Test (a non-National foreigner giving allegiance to the U.S.) with supplemental questions (to ensure all competencies are assessed).
  • Every SUS institution will use the same test, compiled by the Florida Board of Governors using questions taken directly from the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services Naturalization Test and developed by the Louis Frey Institute of the University of Central Florida.
  • Florida A&M University will require every first-time-in-college student entering beginning in Summer B 2018 to demonstrate competency in civic literacy.
  • If a student does not meet the AP or CLEP exam thresholds above, they can either take the Civic Literacy Exam provided to them through the Test Service Bureau or take AMH 2020 or POS 2041.
  • Students taking the test will be allowed unlimited attempts and are encouraged to prepare for the exam through our provided available resources.
  • FAMU will engage all first-time-in-college students in assessing their status in meeting this requirement beginning at the start of the Fall semester.
  • Students not meeting advanced placement or CLEP standards will be encouraged to review all resources and take the practice exams prior to coming to campus for Welcome Week.
  • This Civic Literacy requirement must be met as a FAMU graduation requirement; however, all first-time-in-college students will be urged to fully comply with the requirement before the start of their second year. The student’s transcript and degree audit will note successful completion of this graduation requirement once the student has satisfied it.
  • Students who transfer from out-of-state institutions will also be required to demonstrate competency in Civic Literacy, regardless of whether they have passed a Civic Literacy test in another state.



Contact Us

Florida A&M University | Test Service Bureau
1610 S. MLK Jr. Blvd.
University Commons, Suite 124
Tallahassee, FL 32307
(850) 599-3333
(850) 599-8733